In accordance with the pest management strategy recommended by Penn State Extension, the Board arranged for Fine Lawns & Gardens to take the following steps in hopes of lessening the severity of this year’s Spotted Lanternfly infestation:

  • Removal of preferred host trees & vines.  Spotted Lanternfly is particularly attracted to Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), as well as wild grapevines and two other types of trees found in our creekbed area.  Last Fall/Winter, Fine Lawns & Gardens cut the vines and removed the majority of the Tree-of-heaven, a number of Silver Maple trees, and one Black Willow tree.
  • Treatment of “trap trees.” The remaining Tree-of-heaven and several other trees are being used as “trap trees” to kill the Spotted Lanternfly.  These trees were treated last month with a systemic pesticide that isn’t harmful to the trees but will kill Spotted Lanternfly that feed on them.

More information about Spotted Lanternfly can be found on the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture website: