A letter was sent to all Homeowners Association members to announce the cancellation of our annual meeting, which would have been held later this month. A copy of the letter appears below.


May 11, 2020


Dear Sunnybrook Village Community Association Member:

The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Sunnybrook Village Community Association was originally scheduled to be held in June.

After careful consideration, due to the current circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, uncertainty as to restrictions in the coming weeks and/or months, and in the best interest of the community, the Board of Directors has decided to cancel the meeting.  Instead of an in-person meeting, the election will take place through mail-in proxy ballot.

The purpose of this meeting is to elect two (2) homeowners to serve on the Sunnybrook Village Board of Directors, each for a three (3) year term.  If you are interested in serving your community as a member of the Board, please complete the enclosed Petition of Candidacy and return it to the address indicated no later than June 4, 2020.  If possible, please email the form.

Following receipt of candidacy forms, a second mailing will take place, providing all homeowners with a mail-in proxy ballot and deadline for voting.

Your understanding of this change in events, and participation in the election is greatly appreciated.  Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jon Kotler of Continental Property Management, Inc. at 215-343-1550 or j.kotler@cpm975.com .


Board of Directors

