This post was updated: 6/22/2019

When: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 7:00 PM
Where: Sanatoga Fire Company, 2222 E. High St, Sanatoga, PA
(in the downstairs conference room — enter from the parking lot behind the building)

Correspondence was sent via U.S. Mail to each homeowner, containing the meeting notice, an absentee ballot, and candidacy statements from prospective Board members.  Any homeowner who did not receive this mailing should contact Continental Property Management (see Contact page for info).

The primary purpose of this meeting is to conduct the election of two members to the Board of Directors, for a 3-year term, as well as to provide an annual report of the Association’s activities to the membership.  If you will be in attendance at the Annual Meeting, a ballot will be provided to you at that time.  If you will not be in attendance at the Annual Meeting, you may vote via absentee ballot, which must be returned to the Association’s office no later than noon on June 26, 2019.  Update: Refer to instructions printed on the ballot for where to return it by mail, or by fax, or by scanning it & emailing to the Association’s office.

If you should have any specific topics of interest you would like to discuss at the Annual Meeting, please submit your questions and concerns in writing and they will be placed on the Agenda.

The homeowners listed below submitted petitions of candidacy along with the following statements (their street addresses have been omitted from this post but were included in the official mailing).

Steven J. Bardsley

I was an original owner moving in the neighborhood in 2005.  I care about this community and want to help get our property values where they should be.  I am a level headed, down to earth guy who is easy to talk to.

JoAnn Filiberto

Having a great community is what we all want.  It really does take a village to keep it going, so as a ‘villager’ I am seeking to volunteer and contribute my time and skills to this ongoing effort.

As a homeowner and resident since 2010, I have been an active member of the SBV community, attending almost every meeting, as well as actively participating in the Social Committee since 2011.  A large part of my participation is managing our email distribution list for the Social Committee ( pertaining strictly to Social Committee activities such as the Yard Sale, Block Party, etc.

I’ve been a project manager and virtual services manager, as well as a trainer working in the eLearning and Virtual Services industry for 25 years.  I love working with people, and the satisfaction of meeting and exceeding expectations.

I am proud of our community and the neighborly ties we share – even when there are disagreements, neighbors look out for neighbors in SBV.

My reason for putting my name in the hat to volunteer/serve on the SBV Board is simply to do my part to keep our community growing in the right direction, to see property values rise, and to provide support to the community.  I believe that to truly do these things requires good listening, transparency, solid communication.  Oh, and safety first :-).

Feel free to contact me at .  Happy to discuss any concerns related to the community.

Pamela D. Galster

For six years I have served on the SBV Board of Directors, and I love this community.  As a Realtor for 20+ years I have the opportunity to visit many developments like SBV and see how our community compares. My work has given me a broad-based education in operations, rules, monthly fees etc. which helps me serve you in my role on our board.

As a Realtor, I know your home is one of the largest investments you will make and preserving its value is very important. People choose our community because we have an appearance that appeals to them and because we keep our monthly fees reasonable.

My primary accomplishments while serving on the board have been to maintain the quality of SBV and control expenses which directly impacts your monthly fees. Over the years I have made myself available to members of our community when they have issues that concern them and have helped them get a prompt resolution.

I would like to continue to serve as your representative on the Board of Directors of the Sunnybrook Village Community Association to help maintain the community and preserve properly value.

I will continue to work hard to maintain our standards, which preserves your property values, and CONTROL EXPENSES.

Tracie Hess

Tracie has lived in Sunnybrook Village for nearly 13 years. While living here, she has won the Presidential Volunteer Service Award for 2014-2018 in recognition of her service to our larger community here in Pottstown.  Tracie is a principle network planning engineer, leading $20M+ national telecommunications projects.

Tracie believes that this experience, and love for our community, will make her a strong board member that will tackle community concerns. Those concerns include the roofing project, planning to replace our aging roads, community safety, and insufficient parking. If elected, Tracie is committed to board transparency, strong vendor management, and effecting positive change.