Community Rules

Aboveground Utilities.

No above-ground conduits, pipelines, electric, telephone, cable television, radio and other utility transmission lines or antennae shall be installed on any Lot or on the exterior of any Dwelling.

Satellite Dishes.

Satellite dishes or other free-standing or roof-mounted antennae or reception devices shall not be constructed or erected on any Lots or Dwellings, except for one (1) satellite dish or similar device that does not exceed one meter in diameter, which shall be screened in such manner as the Board shall approve. Satellite dishes will be deemed to automatically meet the Board’s requirements for proper screening if the following guidelines are met: Satellite dishes stationed or mounted to the ground must be placed within five feet of the foundation of the townhouse, placed no higher than six feet high and be screened by shrubbery or other landscaping.

Satellite dishes mounted to the roof of the townhouse will only be considered to be adequately screened if the satellite dish is:

  1. Mounted to the rear main roof (or the roof of the sunroom),
  2. Is not visible from the street, and
  3. Is not placed over or in front of any vinyl siding.

Satellite dishes that do not meet the Board’s definition of proper screening include: Dishes mounted on garage roofs, bay window roofs, and the main roof on the street side of the townhouse, any dishes mounted to the siding and any ground-mounted dish not screened by landscaping or exceeding the height or proximity to the foundation.


Except as hereinafter provided, no Lot shall be used for stabling, housing, raising, breeding, boarding or keeping one or more horses, cattle, hogs, goats, sheep, fowl, birds or other animals or livestock of any nature for personal or commercial purposes, except personal domestic household pets, such as dogs and cats.

  1. Dogs are allowed to defecate and urinate only on their own Lot or on common property.
  2. Dogs are not allowed to defecate or urinate on any other Lot. Any damage caused to the owners’ Lot or any other Lot will be the responsibility of the pet owner to repair, and needs to be rectified at their expense.
  3. Dogs and cats are not permitted to run loose on their own Lot, any other Lot or on common property. Dogs and cats must be leashed and accompanied by the pet owner whenever they are outdoors.
  4. Dog owners are obligated to ensure that dogs do not disturb the peace of other owners by barking continuously, howling or creating any other disturbance of the peace.
  5. Each Owner, tenant or other occupant of a Lot shall be responsible for immediately collecting, removing and properly disposing of any and all animal waste left by his or her pets on or about their lot, the streets, sidewalks, walkways, driveways and Open Space.


No above or in-ground swimming pools shall be constructed or maintained on any Lot.

Outdoor Storage.

Outdoor storage of appliances, lumber, wood or building materials shall not be permitted except during the construction of a Dwelling or other permitted structure.

Parking & Vehicles.

Parking areas on the property shall be used for licensed, registered, insured, state-inspected and operational four-wheel passenger automobiles only that are operated every 15 days. No recreational, vans (other than non-commercial passenger vans having no lettering, signage or ladder racks) mobile homes, trailers, boats, trucks (other than pick-up trucks for personal and not commercial use with no signage or lettering or ladder racks and weighing no more than 3/4 of a ton) or commercial (whether or not so registered with the State Department of Transportation) vehicles shall be permitted to park on the property, except on a temporary basis in connection with unit or common element repairs, maintenance or construction work. Not withstanding the foregoing sentence, motorcycles and mopeds may park upon the property, but only on paved parking areas. No parking at all shall be permitted on the streets where “No Parking This Side” signage has been erected. Violations of this resolution will be subject to fines and towing. All residents and their guests must abide by all posted traffic signs.

No vehicle may block access to the common walkways. This includes having multiple vehicles parked in a driveway with the last vehicle extending over the sidewalk.

Major car repairs are not permitted in driveways, roads, or parking areas.

Flushing radiators in the street or driveway is prohibited

Maximum speed of fifteen (15) miles per hour must be observed in Sunnybrook Village.

During Snow Plowing, all vehicles must be removed from common areas to facilitate snow plowing. This includes the common parking areas and “cut-outs”. Those failing to do so are responsible for shoveling the space so that it is safely usable immediately after the snow stops falling. Failure to do so will result in a fine per day until the space is safely usable again.

Failure to allow clearance in roadways for emergency vehicles is subject to immediate fines as well as potential litigation by the person(s) needing emergency service.

Unit Owners are responsible for the parking of their guests, tenants, or guests of their tenants.

The use of skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, mini-bikes, and go-carts are not permitted on the community streets or sidewalks.

Storage of Debris, Etc.

No storage, depositing, dumping, burial, burning or abandonment of any solid waste, debris, trash or refuse of any nature shall be permitted, except for trash or refuse placed outdoors (not before dark / sundown of the day before) for trash collection purposes.

  1. All trash, excluding recyclable trash and bulk items, is to be placed in heavy duty plastic bags or in covered containers. Remaining trash containers must be removed by the evening of the collection day. Cardboard boxes must be securely closed or tied. Small boxes (e.g. pizza boxes), must be placed in heavy duty bags or trash containers.
  2. All recyclable trash is to be placed in the proper collection bin. Remaining recyclable trash containers must be removed by the evening of the collection day.
  3. Any trash or recyclables that are not properly secured may be scattered thru the community by the wind – in this case the Unit Owner will be fined.
  4. Bulk item pick-up (furniture, appliances, and mattresses) is to be arranged with the trash contractor. Please contact the management company or visit our website for details.

Out Buildings.

No outbuildings or other enclosures, storage sheds or recreational equipment may be constructed on any Lot unless such improvements are approved by the Board and/or comply with any Regulations relating thereto promulgated by the Board.


No fencing of any kind shall be allowed on any Lot except fencing installed by Ryan Homes and any deck privacy fencing approved.

Changes to Existing Dwellings.

No exterior additions, modifications or alterations of any Dwelling or other improvements on a Lot shall be constructed unless: 1) the exterior materials and colors to be used in connection there with are consistent with the exterior materials and colors used in connection with the original construction of the Dwelling on such Lot, or are otherwise approved by the Board and 2) the plans, specifications and elevations therefore have been approved by the Board.

Any approved modification will be subject to a final inspection upon completion by the Board’s Architectural Committee, to assure that it has been properly constructed and is in accordance with the proposal accompanying the original request. Please contact the management company if any further clarification is needed.

Appearance, Nuisances, Maintenance.

Each Unit Owner shall keep his Lot and dwelling in a clean, neat, sanitary and safe condition, and shall maintain the lawn, shrubbery, landscaping and trees on his Lot in a neat condition and in compliance with any Regulations promulgated by the Association relating thereto. Each Unit Owner shall refrain from any activity that unreasonably interferes with the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of other Lots. All window and sliding glass door coverings visible from exterior must either be white, off-white or other light neutral colors. No plastic film or color window coatings are permitted. Coverings such as sheets are permitted on a temporary basis and must be replaced with permanent coverings within ninety (90) days of occupancy. Renovation and contracting work (inside or outside) can only be conducted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Monday – Friday or 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. on weekends.


A Unit Owner may lease or sublease no less than his entire Unit at any time and from time to time only to a Family Unit provided that the following conditions are satisfied: (i) such lease shall be in writing and shall be of a term of one (1) year or more, (ii) such lease (and any subsequent amendments or modifications thereto) shall be delivered by the Unit Owner to the Association within ten (10) business days after signing thereof, (iii) such lease shall expressly provide that the lessee(s) shall be obligated to comply with this Declaration and the Regulations and, to the extent applicable to the lessee, the By-Laws and, whether or not the lease so provides, the lessee shall be bound by this Declaration, the Regulations and the By-Laws, (iv) the Association shall be deemed (whether or not it is so stated in the lease) a third party beneficiary of the lease with respect to any provisions thereof governing the lessee’s obligations to comply with this Declaration, the Regulations and the By-Laws, (v) the Association shall be entitled to demand payment directly from the lessee of any Assessments, fines or other sums payable by the Unit Owner, if requested by the Association, and (vi) the Association shall have the right to require that the Unit Owner terminate such lease within thirty (30) days after written notice from the Association as a result of any violations by the lessee of this Declaration or the Regulations which have continued uncured for fifteen (15) days after written notice thereof is given by the Association to the Unit Owner or the lessee. For this section, a Family Unit shall mean any group of natural persons related by blood or marriage. Family Unit also includes not more than five (5) unrelated natural persons living together in a domestic bond. A Family Unit does not include short or long term lodgers occupying or living in one or more rooms of a Unit; nor does a Family Unit include transients occupying the Unit for a period of less than one (1) year.

Use of Common Elements.

Neither the Unit Owners nor their family, guests or others shall have the right to use the Open Space or any other Common Elements except for uses permitted hereunder or by Regulations adopted by the Board from time to time. No Unit Owner, and no tenants or occupants of any Lot, shall have any right to place, construct, erect, deposit or store any structure, improvement, refuse, rubbish, or other property of any Open Space or on any other Common Elements.

Signs; Mail Boxes.

No signs shall be placed on the exterior of a Dwelling or on a Lot, except (i) one (1) small sign affixed to the exterior of a Dwelling stating the Unit Owner’s name, house number and/or street address. No Signs or notices may be placed on the community mailboxes as these are the property of the US Postal Service.

A reasonable “for sale” or “for rent” sign is considered to be – one temporary, un-illuminated sign placed on the interior of the window above the door on Aurora models, or adjacent to the door on Waldorf models. Signs are no longer permitted to be placed anywhere in the lawn or in any portion of the flower or planting beds. The identified sign may contain no more then six (6) square feet, advertising the lot for sale or rent. One (1) outdoor sign is allowed for “Open House” advertising, and must be removed at the end of the “Open House”. No other signs are permitted.


Prior to construction, a written request, including plans and other specifications, must be submitted to the management company for review and Board approval. The plans must indicate the location of the deck in relation to the townhouse, the appropriate dimensions and the material to be used. Construction cannot start until approval is received. A building permit must be obtained from Lower Pottsgrove Township prior to construction. At all times, the applicant must meet the building requirements of the township. A copy of the approved building permit must be submitted to the Association once the permit is obtained. Decks are to be constructed of pressure treated lumbar, cedar or vinyl coated maintenance free material. Should the maintenance free material be used, it must be a natural wood color. Wood decks may be painted or stained with a clear coating or a natural wood color only. Spindles are to be square, 1” to 2” in width and spaced as per the building code requirements. All stairs to grade must match the requirements of the decking. Risers must be installed on the rear of all steps. Decks may not extend more than 16’ from the rear foundation wall of the townhouse and should be at least 6” (or as required by the township) from any side property line. Railings must be 36” in height and in conformity to the BOCA and Lower Pottsgrove Township Regulations. 8’ high privacy screens may be installed and must be constructed of the same material as the deck.


Prior to construction, a written request, including plans and other specifications, must be submitted to the management company for review and Board approval. The plans must include the location of the patio and/or walkway in relation to the townhouse, the appropriate dimensions and the materials to be used. The patio must not extend more than 16’ from the rear foundation wall of the townhouse and should be at least 6” (or as required by the township) from any side property line. Patios must be constructed of brick, slate or patio blocks. Poured concrete patios are not permitted.

Storm Doors.

Unit owners may install storm doors at their own expense and in accordance with the following: the storm door must be full-view style with a bottom kick plate no more than 12” high. A bar across the middle of the storm door is permitted. The top and sides of the frame should not exceed 4” in width. The door must be almond in color and have no decorative moldings, etchings or bevels, other then a decorative bevel confined to a narrow strip along the border of the glass. Brass hardware and kick plate trim is permitted. Maintenance of the storm door is the responsibility of the homeowner.

Rule Enforcement Procedure and Fines.

1st violation, a warning notice is sent to the resident and the resident is given an opportunity to be heard before the Board. 2nd violation, resident is fined $50 and given an opportunity to be heard. 3rd violation, resident is fined $75 and given an opportunity to be heard. 4th violation, resident is fined $100 and given the opportunity to be heard. Subsequent violations are at the discretion of the Board on a case-by-case basis.

Unit Exterior.

  • Window fans and window air conditioners are prohibited
  • Clothes lines and laundry left out to air dry are prohibited

Planting Areas/Mulch Beds.

Homeowners may expand planting areas/mulch beds to include the three-foot area around the foundation, deck, patio and driveway. These beds may contain flowers, plants, shrubbery, ornamental and dwarf trees, solar or electric lighting and shepherd hooks. Garden statues or ornaments are limited to six per unit with a maximum size of three-foot high by two-foot wide. Vegetable gardens are expressly prohibited.

Deck, Patio and Front Stoop Storage.

Homeowners may store outdoor patio furniture, umbrellas, furniture covers, planters, flowerpots, railing boxes, flowers, plants, grills and an authorized storage bin. An authorized storage bin would be a Rubbermaid (or similar manufacturer) outdoor storage bin measuring 55”x 28”x 36” or smaller in a green, beige or wood tone color. Any other personal property would need to be stored in the storage bin or indoors at night.


Storage of personal property on grass and lawn areas is prohibited as it impedes lawn cutting. In a case where a homeowner has not yet installed a deck or patio, the homeowner may store items (permitted to be stored on a deck or patio) on the grass area where a deck or patio will be built. The Association will not be responsible for cutting the grass in this area. Barbecue grills placed on the lawn need to be placed on a pad of pavers to stabilize the grill and prevent weeds and grass from growing under the grill.


Outdoor furniture, equipment or objects of any kind cannot be left on driveways, sidewalks or walkways overnight.

Seasonal Decorations.  (revised 03/20)

Decorations are permitted to be displayed for all major holidays no earlier than one week prior to the holiday and no later than one week after the holiday.  Winter holiday decorations may be displayed from Thanksgiving until January 15th.

Roof mounted decorations are prohibited.  Lawn decorations are prohibited during the landscape season (March – Thanksgiving), but are permitted for the winter holidays (Thanksgiving – January 15th).