New Board Members

New Executive Board Members & Officers: New members were appointed to the Executive Board at a Special Meeting called for the purpose of filling the vacancies caused by recent resignations.  The full five-member Board has been restored with the addition of two new...

Mulching; Removal of downed trees

Mulching: Our neighborhood is scheduled for mulching on Friday, April 12, 2019 by Fine Lawn & Gardens (weather permitting). Removal of downed trees: Arrangements have been made for Fine Lawn & Gardens to remove the trees that were knocked down during our last...

New Speed Bumps, Stop Sign

Installation of two new speed bumps on Brookview Lane is scheduled for Friday, April 12, 2019.  The road crew will allow traffic to pass through during construction, closing only one side of the road at a time as they build each half of the speed bump. One speed bump...

New Crosswalks

New crosswalks and “No Parking” areas have been installed. Parking under stop signs is prohibited.